Remote consultations mean that you can get advice and help for your pet wherever you are.
We offer Zoom and WhatsApp consultations.

During the peak of the Covid pandemic it was often impossible to see patients in person. It’s been a revelation how much can be achieved by working together with owners in this way.
Prior to the session we will get information and a referral from your vet and often ask for additional information from you. Video’s of your pet moving are helpful, and we also use questionnaires for owners to complete which can give us some idea about your pets current level of comfort and how their problem is affecting life for both of you.
During the remote session we again look at your pet moving and will ask you to use instruction and treats to help us assess the issue.

We then instruct you on exercises, massage, stretches and changes to your pets environment and routine that should help the problem. We can also provide videos of exercises to complete.
Follow up sessions are available as is continuing support by phone or email.