Thank you so much for all your wonderful care of, and friendship to Poppy. She absolutely loved seeing you anyway, but all the care you gave her got her through a couple of very rough patches and a chance to roam her beloved Wimbledon common up hill and down dale. We’ll never forget your kindness.
Thank you so much for taking such good care of our baby ‘Quito’ over the years. We appreciate everything you have done. I just can’t say it enough how grateful I am.
Thank you so very much for all your kindness and help while working with Jasper. Your treatment was of great benefit to him in his last few months and you spoilt him with all the treats!
It is a year to the date since I brought Radley home after her dorsal laminectomy. She has had a remarkable recovery. We followed your plans to the letter and she is doing great.
It is worth everything to see her walking, running, playing, wagging her tail and just generally contented, THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Thank you so much for the work you did on poppy. You were very kind and patient with her. I know how worked up she can get if not handled properly and she was very good with you!
Thanks again,
Thankyo so much for everything you did for Cookie and me. I recommend you to everyone!
We wanted to write and thank you so much for coming to see Billy and teaching the techniques that we could then put in place afterwards. We are so pleased to let you know that Billy adores his massage – and what’s more, his behaviour has improved ten-fold!!
…….it seems that you have again helped our dogs – and thus, our family.
Best wishes,
Nicola and Jennie x
Was just about to text you to say thank you so much for visiting Billy & us – you always show him such kindness and gentleness as well as reassuring us – we are so lucky to be in touch with you.
thank you so much. It did help enormously to know that you had been able to alleviate his discomfort as much as possible.
Thanks for all your help with Ben. He’s bounding around like a two year old now!
I must thank you a million times for your incredible support and help over the past couple of years and the way you understood me and in particular Yogi.
Sandie just loves being massaged and today managed to gallop (own free will) after some rabbits.
Eventually , my local vet recommended a really good local Physiotherapist called Joanne Boddy who visited Cookie at home on a weekly basis and between us we worked hard to get that right limb working properly again. She also gave me the emotional support I needed by this time as I had begun to despair that Cookie would never be right again.